I’m Hooked…

So why am I doing yet another crafty thing… It all began because I was/am bored at work… I can’t quit my job to pursue my hobbies, but I can try to do something more creative on the side to uplift my mood until I retire… Also, I want to prepare myself for retirement… I don’t want to sit home and have regrets… I want to be active and have something to do in my spare time… Right now, I’m trying photography and I started beading and using Polymer Clay… Three things at a time may be a bit too much, but I am enjoying myself… I do not see it as work…  I have a great time and I have met a bunch of funny creative ladies and we encourage and help each other…

On another note, all these workshops are free through Meetup.com. Some charge a minimal fee for the space rental, but that’s it… All you spend is on the supplies… I found the Polymer Guild through Google search… Right in my own backyard…

There are so many types of groups… No one should feel lovely or bored… Find and ask and you shall receive…

Who knows what I can become after fifty… Life has shown me endless possibilities…


About lumar1298

Love to read, write, and meditate. I Also have a creative side. I enjoy crafting and designing and when I want action, then I dance.
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17 Responses to I’m Hooked…

  1. M. Zane McClellan says:

    Sounds like you are having a ball, Lor. So … perfect!


  2. y. prior says:

    well said – well said – to do something creative on the side to uplift ”

    you one wise woman you!!!! 😉


  3. y. prior says:

    also, I fell in love with polymer clay a couple years ago – but before that, I did not appreciate its beauty –


  4. Looks like you are having fun. I have heard good things about meetup.com .


  5. Very nice group hobby @Lumar, fantastic!


  6. Hi Lor,,graft and keeping active is good for the body and mind.Warm regards.


  7. Karen B says:

    What an inspirational post! And I love that you are making plans and be proactive about your retirement. Once you revive your creativity, there will never be a dull moment.
    The photos of the class are full of joy! I can just feel how happy everyone was there!
    I think I saw a pasta machine in one of the photos….? To do the rolling I guess…what a great idea! I am so pleased that you are having such fun!


  8. Karen B says:

    What an inspirational post! And I love that you are making plans and being proactive about your retirement. Once you revive your creativity, there will never be a dull moment.
    The photos of the class are full of joy! I can just feel how happy everyone was there!
    I think I saw a pasta machine in one of the photos….? To do the rolling I guess…what a great idea! I am so pleased that you are having such fun!


    • lumar1298 says:

      We have to condition the clay and it helps to use a pasta machine to flatten it… It’s fun and it’s a way to get out and mingle… I love my groups… I look forward to the two or three times we meet a month… Take care and have a terrific day…


  9. Go for it and have fun! I know i wont be bored when i retire, so much to explore! 😀


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