Disruptive Day


I’ve had one of those somber days…

Where an incident disrupted my cheery mood…

Spiraling out of control as the day progressed…

One thing after another…

Couldn’t wait for my day to end…

I was also letting go of things I treasure…

And for a moment I let a sadness cloud my heart…

I thought of the attachment we create over material things…

And how insignificant it all is…

Made no sense to feel so broken…

In that particular moment when I needed it most…

I received an article on giving our anger to mother earth…

Purging ourselves from the negative energy we hold…

And letting the universe take care of the burden instead…

What a relief to sit in silence and let things go…

Felt a burden being lifted off my shoulders…

I promised myself, next time I experience any form of disturbance…

I will automatically find a quiet place, close my eyes, and release all tension…

I will refuse to let my mind manipulate my being…

I have control over myself and my mind will not govern my life…


For those interested in obtaining more information about the article, the web site is:


The article is:  Give Your Anger to the Earth by Madisyn Taylor…

About lumar1298

Love to read, write, and meditate. I Also have a creative side. I enjoy crafting and designing and when I want action, then I dance.
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